International taxes

International taxes

The attitude of an active advisor, which we try to take in contacts with our Clients, causes that we look for tax-optimal solutions not only in our country, but also abroad

International transactions as an opportunity for optimization

Our advising in the field of international tax law focuses on: 

  • determining the tax consequences of international transactions (and financial flows) carried out by our Clients,
  • international tax planning, enabling both tax-optimal structuring of foreign investments and tax-optimal placement abroad of the relevant fragment of the activity conducted so far in Poland,
  • implementing international structures in cooperation with our partners in other countries, taking into account Polish regulations, in particular on foreign controlled companies.


Cooperation with foreign countries

Our experience includes cooperation with Clients in many foreign tax residences, such as the Netherlands, Portugal, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovakia, Germany, Finland, Malta, Estonia, Canada, The British Virgin Islands and the United States.